
PrintFriendlyisaChromeextensionthatallowsyoutocreateprinter-friendlywebpagesandPDFs.Soon,ourextensionwillletyouconvertdocumentsand ...,DownloadPrintFriendly&PDFforChrome3.6.1-Turnonlinecontentintoaprint-supportedversionwithacoupleofmouseclicks,fastandeasy, ...,Youneedjustapieceofawebpage,butyougetextraphotos,tables,ads....IjustdiscoveredPrint ...,Jointhemillionsofusersofourextensionsandsta...

Chrome Extension for Converting Web to PDF

PrintFriendly is a Chrome extension that allows you to create printer-friendly web pages and PDFs. Soon, our extension will let you convert documents and ...

Download Print Friendly & PDF for Chrome

Download Print Friendly & PDF for Chrome 3.6.1 - Turn online content into a print-supported version with a couple of mouse clicks, fast and easy, ...

How to

You need just a piece of a web page, but you get extra photos, tables, ads.... I just discovered Print ...

PDF Tools for Documents and Web Pages

Join the millions of users of our extensions and start easily printing web pages and converting them to PDFs. Check Out Our Chrome Extension. WordPress Plugin ...


Make web pages printer-friendly and convert them to PDFs. Easily remove ads and navigation, and customize what you print or PDF. Since 2009, PrintFriendly ...

PrintFriendly - Print and PDF Web Pages

PrintFriendly removes ads and navigation, and enables you to customize the pages before you print or PDF them. Effortless Printing You can print web pages ...

What is PrintFriendly Chrome Extension?

2024年1月29日 — PrintFriendly Chrome Extension simplifies web printing by eliminating unnecessary elements such as ads, navigation, web page junk, and sidebars, ...